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Top tips to get your garden ready for summer

Now that summer is here, to help you get the best out of your garden, check out these top tips to get your garden ready for summer


Keeping your lawn looking healthy during the summer months can be challenging. Unless there are drought conditions, use a feed to slowly replenish your lawn and make the most of UK showers to boost your garden in time for the sunshine. Follow the instructions carefully. It is preferable to use a purpose made spreader with granular feeds to ensure correct coverage, if no rain falls you will need to water in. If the weather is dry and your lawn dries out, it will recover once the rain returns.


There are a proprietary cleaners available, follow the instructions carefully. A jet wash can be used but care must be taken to ensure the surfaces are not damaged and should be avoided if there is loose mortar. Always wear eye protection.

Add Colour

Adding bright coloured flowers into your garden is sure to put a smile on your face after the long UK winter. Brighten up paved areas or walls with planted up containers. Along with flowers, why not add brightly coloured garden ornaments to add a splash of colour to your garden.


Make the most of the long summer evenings by adding lights to your garden. Solar lights are efficient and a wide range are available from garden centres and supermarkets. At night, oil lamps and outdoor candles, add atmosphere and help to repel flying bugs.


Once your garden is ready for summer, sit down and enjoy your beautiful garden on some great garden furniture. Whether you’re purchasing new furniture or giving your old furniture a clean or a lick of paint, your garden furniture is there to be enjoyed.

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