Winter Garden

5 Tips to stop your Bird Bath from freezing 

To be honest, this is our favourite time of the year. Warm jumpers, hot chocolate, and spending time with loved ones, is there anything more beautiful than that?

However, what about the birds? It is very important to provide a supply of fresh water for our flying friends to help the local bird population stay healthy. Here are some tips to keep your bird bath from freezing.

Tips to Keep Your Bird Bath from Freezing 

Tip #1: Choose a Good Location

You don’t need to be an expert to know that the position of your birdbath can affect whether the water freezes or stays liquid. This is precisely why you should place the bath somewhere where it will likely benefit from the sun. Also, be sure it is positioned near a windbreak for an extra dose of protection. 

Tip #2: Don’t Skimp On Quantity

Larger bodies, such as water, require lower temperatures and longer times to freeze. This is exactly why we advise you to always keep the birdbath full, as this is essential to prevent freezing. As soon as the water level drops, be sure to drain and add a fresh amount of water. 

Tip #3: In Extreme Situations, Add Hot Water

One of the proven tips to keep your bird bath from freezing is adding hot water. If the ice has already formed and you cannot get rid of it, feel free to pour hot water over it. However, to avoid cracking the structure, never use boiling water, just hot water. 

Tip #4: Put An Icebreaker

Did you know that moving water will freeze much slower than standing water? It can be enough to simply put a small but movable object in the basin, something like a small ball, and that’s it, you are safe.

Also, take a look at the offers in shops near you, speciality devices called Water Agitators, can help you keep the water from freezing. They usually don’t require a wire or plumbing, but they just run quietly on a few batteries or solar power.

Tip #5: Darken the Surface

Do you know how in the summer they tell us to stick to lighter-colored fabrics to avoid heat stroke? Well, this is the moment when you want to use that knowledge, as this is one of the best tips to keep your bird bath from freezing.

All you need to do is add a black plate, some black river stones, or black plastic sheeting to the bottom of your bird bath. Also, smaller birds and other wildlife like bees will be grateful for a few rocks to help them drink.

Wrapping Up

We assume you will hear about many other, sometimes more drastic, tips and hints than these, but it’s important to always consider safety—for yourself and the birds.

Tony Manhart is the founder and editor in chief at Gardening Dream. Tony’s enthusiasm and rich experience in all things related to growing plants have led him to share his knowledge with gardening aficionados all over the world. When he is not working around his garden, Tony spends his time writing tips and tricks on various subjects related to plant cultivation and soil maintenance.

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