Water Saving

9 Top Water Conservation Hacks For The Garden

Although many of you probably think the opposite, it really is possible to reduce outdoor water use by 20 to 50% with just a few very simple changes. Want to learn more? Then all you have to do is keep reading this short guide to find out the top water conservation hacks for the garden.

Tip # 1: Water deeply instead of frequently

Think slow and deep when it comes to watering. Namely, when you water the garden quickly, a lot is lost to runoff. When you do it slowly, you allow the water to penetrate up to 6 inches deep which is perfect for encouraging a healthier root system. Feel free to opt for drip irrigation and sprinklers with a lower flow.

Tip #2: Make sure you have a working watering hose

Almost any expert will attest that a hose is perhaps the most important tool you have in your garden. Unfortunately, most of them do not have a long lifetime, so it is very important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations in order to preserve your “garden helper” as best as possible.

Check out this article to learn how to deal with your garden hose leaking.

Tip #3: Reduce the thirsty turf

One of the best top water conservation hacks for the garden is to limit the space devoted to the always water-hungry turf grass. In addition to a significant reduction in water consumption, a smaller lawn will result in a larger outdoor living space, as well as in the time and energy required for its maintenance.

Tip #4: Keep yourself hydrated

You are probably wondering what hydration has to do with watering your garden, but trust us, you will get to the point. Keep in mind that gardening is by no means an endurance sport!

Always have a bottle of water with you and hydrate yourself regularly, and at the end of the working day pour what is left over into the garden.

Tip #5: Get smart technology

If you are one of the lucky ones who use an irrigation system, we recommend upgrading to a “smart” controller or simply installing a rain sensor. Smart technology measures current weather and soil moisture conditions to automatically set irrigation schedules based on needs.

What you might particularly like is that such technology is not expensive and can be incorporated, even after the fact, into most systems.

Tip #6: Choose drought-tolerant varieties

The best thing you can do is to plan your landscape around watering needs. Namely, by choosing suitable plants, you can relax much more without having to water too often. Lavender, succulents, Epimedium, and Nepeta are excellent options as they can thrive in these somewhat harsh conditions.

Tip #7: Reuse kitchen water

Consider collecting the water you use to wash your salad or fruit and reuse it in your garden. There is really no point in letting it go to waste. Given that it is not a large amount of water, it is excellent for watering house or potted plants. All you have to do is place a bowl in the sink to catch the fresh water instead of letting it disappear down the plughole.

Tip #8: Mulch trees & garden beds

In addition to significantly improving the appearance of your landscape, mulch provides numerous benefits that can vary from managing different types of weeds to controlling erosion levels.

It is also very important to emphasize that mulch reduces evaporation and can help improve the soil’s water-holding capacity.

Tip # 9: Choose early morning or late evening to do the work

At all costs, avoid watering plants in the middle of the day, when it is warmest. In this way, you will successfully avoid water loss through evaporation. Also, keep in mind that your garden is most beautiful and lively early in the morning and late at night, so by watering at the wrong time, you risk missing the best moments.

To Conclude

Now that you have read this article, you know that there’s no need to sacrifice beauty to save water in your landscape. By incorporating these top water conservation hacks for the garden, you can greatly reduce your water bill while still maintaining attractive and healthy lawns and landscapes.

Author’s bio

Tony Manhart is the founder and editor in chief at Gardening Dream. Tony’s enthusiasm and rich experience in all things related to growing plants have led him to share his knowledge with gardening aficionados all over the world. When he is not working around his garden, Tony spends his time writing tips and tricks on various subjects related to plant cultivation and soil maintenance.

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