Spring garden concept. Male is doing garden work in herb garden

Gardening May Help You Live Longer

Research carried out at the Karonlinska University Hospital in Stockholm has revealed that gardening and DIY may help you live longer. The study was carried out on 4,232 people over the age of 60. As we are all well aware, people of a certain age may well struggle to do high-intensity exercise but according to this study just getting off the sofa and outside doing the gardening chores can help. Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle will help you live longer by reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Get off the Sofa

The research is suggesting activities such as general maintenance on the car, repairs around the home, mowing the lawn and picking blackberries etc.

The results indicated that those that are active will live a longer life and those that are active but without exercising still had a lower risk of developing certain conditions compared to those that did nothing.

bucket spilling various vegetable peelings on soil from the garden

They believe that this is because sitting for long periods of time may lower metabolic rate and alter hormones produced in muscle tissue.

Being active can reduce the risk of stroke or heart attack by 27% and death by any other cause by 30%.

So here at the Gardeners Club we’re going to use this as the perfect excuse to get out in the garden to do the jobs we love doing – why don’t you do the same gardeners!

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