
RHS Wisley Changes to improve visitor facilities

The RHS flagship garden at Wisley is one of the most visited in the UK. The internationally famous 240 acre garden attracts over a one million visitors each year. Over the next few years, the RHS will be investing around £80 million transforming the garden for the future. The RHS is looking to raise £12.8 externally towards the cost and to complete the work in 2019. It’s a busy time for the RHS, they are also developing their new garden close to Manchester, RHS Bridgewater.

Welcome Building

Entrance kiosks, membership areas, a cafe, a new shop and plant centre will be in the new entrance courtyard. Within the garden itself, there will be a new village square and restaurant. There will be improvements to parking and access.

Improved Catering

The existing conservatory restaurant will be enlarged by taking over the adjacent formal restaurant. A new formal restaurant will be  part of the new visitor reception facilities.

New role for the Laboratory

The iconic view of RHS Wisley is ironically not of the well kept gardens, but of the canal with the grade two listed Laboratory Building. Since 1907, the beautiful Arts and Crafts building has housed scientific research, offices and education services. Now for the first time, it will opened to the public as a museum and art gallery.

New Centre for Horticultural Science & Learning

This new centre will occupy the hill top area, the site of the former greenhouses. The new state of the art centre will replace those functions displaced from the Laboratory Building. Unlike the predecessor, the new building will be open, allowing the public to see the behind the scene work.

Design and Landscaping

The RHS have appointed Christopher Bradley-Hole to manage and unify the design.

Read more about the RHS Wisley changes

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