Lyme Resource Centre

Gardeners – help drive meaningful change for people affected by Lyme disease. 

As garden enthusiasts, many of you may be aware of the risks of tick bites; in fact, some of you may have already suffered from tick bites and Lyme disease. 

Lyme Resource Centre (LRC) is a registered Scottish charity (SCIO: SC049151), aiming to raise awareness of ticks and Lyme disease. LRC encourages safe enjoyment of the benefits of gardening and the outdoors whilst protecting against the risk of tick bites. LRC’s website provides reliable information and resources on the management of tick bites and what to look out for in early Lyme disease. 

Awareness of Lyme disease is low amongst the general public and healthcare professionals, meaning early diagnosis and treatment if often sub-optimal.  Additionally, lack of data on Lyme disease and its impact makes it difficult to build a case for improvements in diagnosis, treatment and care. 

LRC has created a Lyme Disease Experience Survey to begin to gather information on the impact of Lyme disease in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. 

LRC would like to hear from gardeners with any experience of Lyme disease, whether mild or severe, fully recovered or with ongoing symptoms, or those caring for someone with Lyme disease.  

Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous, and can be accessed here

Further information on the survey is also available at 

Lyme Resource Centre

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