gardening for seniors

Gardening for Seniors

By freelance contributor; Sally Writes.

3 Ways That Elderly People Can Garden Indoors

Gardening has become a favourite pastime among older adults in the UK as a study revealed that 70% of people aged 65 to 74 maintain a garden. However, the numbers decline to around 60% for those aged 75 and over, and it’s likely that ageing and mobility problems have a role on why this age group is choosing to garden less and less. While it certainly is a delight to harvest and maintain one’s own vegetable crop or flowers in a garden, elderly people can continue to care for plants even without leaving their home.

Benefits of gardening for seniors

According to a study, gardening can help older people who are in the early stages of dementia as it can stimulate positive memories and promote creativity. This pastime can also help older adults to reconnect with their family and become more social. Moreover, it is a gentle form of physical activity that can help to keep the elderly fit and mobile. Being in a garden can also relieve stress and helps to restore the ability to focus attention as it allows us to connect with nature. Active older people should take note of crucial safety tips while gardening outdoors. Meanwhile, older adults with mobility problems should find ways to reconnect with nature even while inside their home or if living in an assisted living facility. Here are 3 ways that older people can garden indoors.

Put together a succulent display

Succulents such as Aloe, Crassula ovate (money plant), Kalanchoe thyrsiflora (paddle plant), and Lithops (stone plant) among others can thrive indoors. You can put together a succulent display in a terracotta or ceramic pot or perch and place it on a warm and sunny location like a windowsill or a table near the window.

Build a terrarium

You can care for a pre-made terrarium or build one or more using moss, small houseplants, colourful pebbles, and other found objects. Use a container with a clear and smooth glass to house your plants and to give you the best view of your mini indoor garden. Choose plant varieties that will thrive in low to medium light, and it’s also a good idea to pick ones that will remain small even after a long time.

Plant herbs in a window box

Those who love to cook can plant herbs such as rosemary, thyme, or lavender in a window box or a rustic-looking wooden crate. All three of these herbs can thrive perched on a window sill and with minimal care. These herbs give off a delightful scent, and they’re great as a flavouring for meat dishes and for making potpourri and herbal sachets.

There’s no reason to stop gardening even if you can’t be in an outdoor garden. With a little creativity and by choosing low-maintenance plants that can thrive indoors, older people with mobility issues can continue to garden for their health and well-being.


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