
Grow Your Own: Snowdrops

Snowdrops will brighten the long dark winter days as the first sign that spring is on its way and winter is behind us. So why not follow our step by step guide and try and grow your very own display.


  • Moist soil with plenty of humus.
  • Do not like hot, dry positions.
  • Prefer shade.
  • Perform best among shrubs or small trees.
  • Avoid planting single bulbs; they are much happier in small groups.
  • Ensure neighbouring plants will not be smothering their roots or leaves.

Which variety?

  • There are so many varieties to choose from but if this is your first attempt then it might be best to opt for the G nivalis; a variety considered the easiest to grow. If you’re planting in the autumn use dormant bulbs, if you planting in the spring use bulbs in growth.
  • Choose an appropriate planting area
  • Place small groups of the plant about 3 inches deep and 3 inches apart


  • Lift established clumps after flowering and split into two and replant to encourage growth and avoid disease. Your snowdrops will thrive year after year if they are dug up and divided right after they’ve bloomed.
  • Fertilise the plants just before new growth begins.

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