There is something magical about a house adorned with a large Wisteria in flower. Left unchecked though, an established Wisteria can overtake the house. By pruning the wisteria during the year, you can keep it under control and boost flowering.
Winter Pruning
In February, cut back shoots from old wood to two or three buds, you should cut close to the bud. Tie in longer growths required for extending the plant, it is much easier to do now than when in flower or leaf. Cut back other unwanted growth missed at earlier prunings.
Summer Pruning
Left alone, a mass of green shoots emit from the plant, as well as being untidy, they shade the main stems where flowering shoots develop. After flowering cut back these back to about 6 inches. Trim back any unwanted growth aiming for your gutters, down pipes or other features.
Train new shoots to fill gaps and to replace old dead wood which should be removed.
Hard Pruning
Over time even a regularly pruned wisteria will probably need some major surgery. Established plants will recover from quite a haircut although you may lose a seasons flowering, make sure you don’t prune the main stems below the graft.