RHS Bridgewater News

RHS Bridgewater Update

The RHS’s new garden, RHS Bridgewater in Salford will open to the public in 2020. The 154 acre site is named after the adjoining Bridgewater canal built by the Third Duke of Bridgewater, a former owner of the estate. It will be the societies fifth garden, the second in the north.

The site is that of Worsley New Hall, a once grand stately home fell into ruin before being demolished in the late 1940’s. The former equally grand gardens, also lost are providing inspiration for the new design.

A New Beginning

The site, only eight miles from Manchester has been a wasteland for over sixty years. Project after project failed to progress for one reason or another. Thankfully this one is moving forward.

The RHS team are updating us with their first newsletter, click on this link to see

A team including 400 volunteers are clearing the site. The 11 acre walled garden will be a centrepiece of the garden. A specialist contractor is working to renovate the 1.4km wall, 500 sq-m of brick facing!

As befits any RHS garden, a visitor centre with catering, a garden centre and shop is underway.

Dredging of the original boating lake and work to construct an additional one, is another major project. In 75 acres of woodland, work to remove invasive species will allow for replanting of native varieties.

The society is working with local Chinese community to create a streamside garden featuring Chinese plants.

Click to see our related post

Tour the Construction Site

The RHS are offering members tours of the site prior to its opening in 2020. Having done the tour on a bright but cold December morning I can recommend it. Clearly a lot of work on preparing the site has already be done but there is a massive amount of work still to do. I look forward to visiting again once it’s opened to see the transformation.

Click to find out how to book a tour

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