Coffee Grounds
Image from Pixabay

Using Coffee Grounds in your Garden

A certain upmarket supermarket offers free coffee to it’s shoppers, this leaves them with quite a few used coffee grounds to get rid of! You may have noticed the bins outside inviting you to help yourself to spent grounds. Similarly, coffee shops which seem to be booming on our High Streets generate huge grain volumes, I’m sure some would be willing to donate them to you.

How to use Coffee Grounds

Here is an article by Michael Nolan of My Earth Garden giving his views on how to get the best from this free resource.

Mike explains that contrary to common opinion, coffee grounds are generally close to pH neutral.  Being about 2% nitrogen, they have a similar carbon to nitrogen ratio as manure and help to raise the temperature of the compost heap.

Another article also with useful information is published by Tipsbulletin, 11 ways to use coffee grounds.

If you have any tips to help gardeners save money using waste, please share them with our members.


Gardeners Club member Linzi has contacted us to say

“After reading the article about coffee grind (which I have used a plenty) I would like to draw your attention to Costa Coffee who do a scheme called ground for ground where they ask for a donation for the coffee grind to raise money for a charity called  Costa Foundation which raises money to build schools and give the coffee growing communities a better life. Without them there is no coffee”

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